Villa Godi Malinverni

the first villa by Andrea Palladio

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Villa Godi Malinverni - Il Parco della Villa a Lugo di Vicenza

The Park of Villa Godi Malinverni at Lugo di Vicenza

The park of the venetian villa Godi Malinverni, as it presents itself today, with its secular trees and 2600 meters of paths, dates back to the last century and was rearranged in 1852 by the Count Andrea Piovene using the designs of the architect Antonio Caregaro Negrin. In the center is a pond and where the foliage is thickest is the "Remembrance Corner", dedicated to the loved ones who lived in the villa and whose names are engraved on small cylindrical or pyramid shaped columns. At the end of the park is a large ashlar gate, which is considered to be the entrance at one time. Above this gate is the inscription "Ingredere et Laetaberis". (Come and Rejoice)

To the rear of Villa Godi Malinverni, overlooking the park, are the Italian gardens with ponds and fountains, just some of the things necessary for their sojourn in the villa. There are fifty or so statues from the workshops of Albanese and Marinali. These gardens date from the late 17th to the early 18th century.

Finally an app for when you are visit Palladio and his first opera, Villa Godi Malinverni, 1542.
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From May to September
Tuesday: 15 to 19
Saturday: 9 to 14
Sunday and holidays: 10 - 19

March, April,
October and November

Tuesday: 14 to 18
Saturday: 9 to 14
Sunday and holidays: 14 - 18

After booking you can request a group visit, even in periods other than those specified

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